Saturday, July 16, 2011

Searching Saturday: The Joy of Shaving Cream

Have you ever just wanted to do something neat, creative, and just plan crafty, but didn't have a lot (or any) supplies.  Well that is what got me thinking.  What did I have in my house that was available that I could entertain several kids.  The one thing I had a lot of was shaving cream (I can thank that Polish heritage for that! ;-P).  So I did a search and this is what I discovered. 

  1. You can Marblize wooden Eggs, or just about anything else that is wooden.  All it takes is food coloring and your wooden object.  And if you are like me (and most crafters that I know), you have a few spare wooden objects for crafts lying around!
    Items you need:Wooden objects, Shaving Cream, Food coloring
  2. You can create marblized card/note paper. The link shows a holiday note card in the shape of an Easter Egg, but you can do them in whatever shape (including not chaning the shape from it's rectanglar shape) for whatever project you need. (Another example of this using also stamps is Thinking of You card.  Absolutely beautiful!!)

    Items needed:  Card stock (heavy paper), Acrylic Paint, Shaving Cream, Scissors (optional), Pen
  3. You can make 3-D images like Polar BearSnowman, or any other 3-D object you want to attempt. Add for special items food coloring. 

    Items needed: Elmer's Glue or Puff paint, shaving cream, paper, food coloring (optional).
  4. You can try shaving cream tye-dye, which almost reminds me of batiking. 

    Items needed: Clothing/cloth you want to tye-dye, shaving cream, paint, food coloring.
  5. For bathtime/water time fun, shaving cream paint.  Just make sure to rinse whereever the paint is used!

    Items used: Shaving cream, food coloring, paint brush.
So, the next time you want to try something fun and messy, try the shaving cream craft method!

Crafty by Default,


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